Intro to Tinnitus

 Intro to Tinnitus

Tinnitus, a phenomenon of the nervous system, is directly connected to the ear. This phenomenon is characterised by perception of an internal beating or ringing like sound. This sound can appear to be a quiet background noise, or loud enough to drown out all outside sounds.

Some Causes of tinnitus are:

  1. A sudden loud bang or noise
  2. Excessive Ear wax,
  3. Acoustic neuroma,
  4. Hypertension and atherosclerosis,
  5. Severe anemia and renal failure,
  6. Palatal myoclonus
  7. Thyroid disorders
  8. Glomus jugulare tumours
  9. Lyme Disease
  10. Loss of Hearing
  11. Drugs: aspirin overdose, loop diuretics, aminoglycosides, quinine,
  12. Injury to the head
  13. Temporomandibular and cervical spine disorders,
  14. Suppurative otitis media (also chronic infection and serous OM),
  15. Otosclerosis,
  16. Impacted wisdom teeth,
  17. Meniere’s disease,
  18. Arteriovenous fistulae and arterial bruits
  19. Stress and depression

Some but not all types of tinnitus can be treated. This leaves the non-treatable types permanent. There are no cures directly for tinnitus, but because often times tinnitus is caused by a physical condition that can be treated, 


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